Nurturing New Growth at the Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix
Your support makes all the difference.
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Donate to This Year's Annual Campaign
Thank you so very much for another incredibly successful year at the garden. We held more than 50 workshops educating more than 800 people, 7 cultural events serving 14,186 attendees, and welcomed more than 95,000 total guests through general admissions!
With your support this season, we can continue to:
Expand our physical space
Offer one-of-a-kind workshops with Japanese craftsmen and artists
Develop educational programs for youth
Create a serene oasis in the heart of Phoenix
Donate today to help us creating a lasting legacy of Japanese culture and tradition.
This year we are thrilled to announce the return of our Tribute Lantern Program. With a donation of $150 or more, a lantern will be hung in your honor throughout the month of January. This lantern can be labeled with a family surname in Japanese, or a Kanji of your choosing!
Donate $150 for a Custom Tribute Lantern!
This year, as part of our annual campaign, supporters of the Garden will get the option to donate $150 or more in exchange for a custom 12" Japanese lantern personalized with their family name in Japanese or a kanji of their choice.
Those that choose to purchase these lanterns will be able to view them on display throughout the Winter at the Garden. After the campaign is complete, donors can pick up their lantern!
When you select your donation amount, check the box that reads ‘This is a tribute donation’ to enter the name (s) you want displayed on your lantern.
Questions? Contact Masahiro.y@jfgphx.org.